Qurʾānic Reflections

A Girl Called Mary

August 27, 2012

[And remember when the angels said, “O Maryam, indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the worlds] Āl-‘Imrān:42

Allah chose Maryam over all the women of the worlds. What was so exceptional about Maryam ‘alayhas salām?

Hint: it wasn’t her beauty or her wealth.

The mention of Maryam ‘alayhas salām in the Qur`ān always indicates one exceptional quality: her obedience to the Almighty and stemming from this was her piety, her asceticism and her purity – both inside and out, (in surah Maryam, notice how Allah describes her reaction when a stranger approaches her. She was so protective of her modesty, of her ḥijāb).

And these are the simple yet magnificent qualities that made Maryam ‘alayhas salām exceptional and raised her status over all the women of the worlds.

A lesson for us: The standard has been set and it is up to us to try and meet it. 

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