Qurʾānic Reflections

A Du’ā` Answered

August 27, 2012

Allah Subḥāneh wa t’āla answers our du’ā`. He realises the most of impossible of dreams.

And He will realise your dreams, but what situation will He find you in when He answers your du’ā`?

Learn from the story of prophet Zakariah:

Zakariah asked for an offspring even though he had reached old age and his wife was barren and Allah gave this to him; he blessed him with a son called Yaḥya.

BUT LOOK, how did Allah find Zakariah ‘alayhis salām when He sent angels bearing glad tidings of an answered du’ā`?


[So the angels called him while he was standing in prayer in the chamber, “Indeed, Allah gives you glad tidings of Yahya, confirming a word from Allah and who will be honourable, abstaining from women, and a prophet from among the righteous.”] Āl-‘Imrān:39

He was standing in prayer when his du’ā` was answered.

Subḥān Allah.

Where will He find you when He answers yours?

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