Qurʾānic Reflections

Drop the Act

August 24, 2012

In Surah an-Najm Allah tells us that to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth.

 [And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth – so that He may recompense those who do evil with the penalty for what they have done and recompense those who do good with Al Husna] Najm:31

In the next āyah Allah says that He is the most knowing of what we are made from:
[..He is the most knowing of you when He produced you from earth and when you were foetuses in the wombs of your mothers..]

Being associated with earth is not something one would be proud of. It’s what you walk upon – the ultimate form of degrading something. It’s where worms and other filth eating creatures reside.
And in the womb you are made from sperm and egg (not something grand). Your arrival into this world – anything but grand!

What does Allah tell us next?
[So don’t praise yourselves. He is most Knowing of who is pious]

He is the Master – the King! – of ALL that is in the heavens and earth. And you’re made from DIRT and sperm and egg. So don’t praise yourselves.
He knows who is pious, righteous and pure, (drop the act).

Subhān Allah al ‘adhīm.

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