
Secrets of the Qur`ān: Du’ā`s We Overlook

August 22, 2012


[Allah is Sufficient for us. Allah will give us of His Bounty, and also His Messenger (from alms, etc.). We implore Allah to enrich us.] Tawbah:59

Sheikh Sāliḥ Al Mghāmsy (may Allah preserve him) commented: “This Du’ā` is a miracle. By Allah if you are in a predicament and you supplicated with sincerity, relief will come from the most unexpected places.”

Sheikh Ibn Bāz (may Allah have mercy on him) commented: “Were you to only supplicate with this Du’ā` after the last tashahhud, your difficulties will ease”


NOTE: I have underlined ‘وَرَسُولُهُ’, when you make this du’ā` leave this part out, why? Because we can no longer ask anything from our Messenger as he has passed away, When we ask, we ask only of Allah. 

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