[And We have certainly made the Qur`ān easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?] Qamar:40
Whenever people quote this ayah, they quote it in context of memorising the Qur`ān, and that Allah has made it easy for memorisation. And indeed He has.
But what most people don’t realise is that Allah subḥaneh revealed it in a certain context, different than what we use it in. His context was the disbelieving nations who had belied the message and rejected the Messengers sent to them and how Allah recompensed them.
Allah has placed reminders for us throughout the Qur`ān – rather the Qur`ān in its entirety is a Reminder – so will you not remember, will you not be reminded? Will you not pull your act together?
Remember the people who rejected their messengers? Remember what happened to them?
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