Daily Archives:

August 21, 2012


Rotting Soul

August 21, 2012

When you hear the words of Allah recited, but you are not heedful of them; you are not warned by its message, you do not adhere to its commandments, you do not abstain from its prohibitions… your heart remains unmoved, then know that you are as good as dead. [It is not but a reminder and a clear Qur’an, To warn whoever is alive..] Yāsīn:69-70 And what an existence; to live while your soul slowly rots.…

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Won’t You Then Remember?

August 21, 2012

  [And We have certainly made the Qur`ān easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?] Qamar:40 Whenever people quote this ayah, they quote it in context of memorising the Qur`ān, and that Allah has made it easy for memorisation. And indeed He has. But what most people don’t realise is that Allah subḥaneh revealed it in a certain context, different than what we use it in. His context was the disbelieving nations who had belied the message…

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