
Thou Do We Worship, and Thine Aid We Seek

August 20, 2012

•[إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين]•

[You Alone we worship, and You Alone we ask for help] Fātiha:6

Worship is for our Lord and it is His right. And seeking help is for His slaves. Thus worship precedes seeking help; it is only natural for us to precede a request to our Lord by acts that please Him. And standing before Him in worship guarantees His aid.

Ibn Taymiyyah – may Allah have mercy on him – said, “I pondered on what is the best du’ā` and realised it is asking Allah for aid in pleasing Him. Then I saw it in surah al Fatiha: [إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين]”


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